An ink cartoon of a young girl running. She has wings for arms.

When an 8yr old girl…

…has a sudden flash of deep conviction and blind faith, that one day, she too will be able to fly up and away, just like a real bird… never, ever doubt her…

A photo of myself, the quirky artist running this website!

I’m the artist you’ve never heard of…

Mum, artist, writer, poet, maker, Mid-Wales dweller. Famous everywhere except anywhere. Wordy. Playful. Experimental. Particular. 50% utterly daft. 50% earnest bard. Excited by ideas. Wildly unfeasible. Totally do-able…

A punny art picture of a "yolk tree". You can buy this art print online!

The Circular Eggconomy…

My studio is run on electricity generated by an un-intrusive, on-site wind turbine. The water here, is untreated and sourced locally. In winter, I am warmed by a wood-burner that runs on logs from ash trees felled due to dieback…

 Something I did…
