
One bio. Three ways.

Short, sweet, pithy and palatable

Me, Mum, artist, writer, poet, maker, Mid-Wales dweller.

Middling, particular, riddling and pretentious

Me, Mum, artist, writer, poet, maker, Mid-Wales dweller.

Professional daftswoman.

Playful, experimental, pernickety artist. Nerdy wordsmith.

Famous everywhere except anywhere. Internationally acclaimed in obscure, barely visible, microscopic circles.

Run on ideas. Sometimes beyond me. Make them happen anyway.

One-woman band. Multiple, simultaneous hat-wearer.

Rubbish boss, recalcitrant employee = independence suits me. Panicky when wings clipped.

Dreamy. Speedy. Mentally sharp. Emotionally slow. Porous. Amoeba-like sensitivity. Terrier-like tenacity.

Mercurial, fickle, riddling, roving.

Occasionally wise, mostly silly. Always weird. Sense more niche than common.

Passionate, pedantic, perfectionist.

Idealistic, unrealistic, fiscally irresponsible, creatively ambitious.

Wildly unfeasible. Totally do-able.

Chaotic. Anal. Bonkers.

Long, wittering, wordy and earnest

I’m me, as well as a Mum, artist, writer, poet, maker. I live a stone’s throw from the sea in Mid Wales - with my bright and brilliant 11yr old son.

50% earnest bard, 50% utterly daft: writing is my craft, art - my play. Both entwined make up my work, which I create and curate with love, care, fastidiously close attention - and present with a lavish sprinkling of self send-up and dubious humour.

Drawing slows me down. Writing wakes me up. Both invite wonder and reflection over reflex and reaction.

‘Making light, shedding light and sharing light’ is my self-coined inner mantra and underpins all that I do creatively.

I’m particularly interested in tinkering with words and shining a torch on how words are both used - and mis-used - especially within the public domain.

I’m a tinker in general and more widely too - upending things, playing about with them, considering how they might be better understood upside down, or on their side.

Flipping perspective has always struck me as productive pursuit. As such, I’m accidentally rather than intentionally rebellious - simply through not being very good at accepting the status quo without playful, inquisitive enquiry.

Keeping the door to my mind wide open, is important to me - and I always welcome the occasion to have my perspective flipped, toppled or tweaked.

Joy-making strikes me as one of the greatest acts of resistance and rebellion that we have in our personal and collective ‘tool’ kits.

As such, actively carving out moments of joy in my days and through my work - whilst apparently spontaneous and whimsical, is actually deliberate and intentional - a diligently honed survival skill.

As a child, I spent a lot of my time, thumb in mouth, head cocked on one side, wondering how it was that things had come to be like this, when they seemed much more coherent, like that.

I’m basically still that child, though I no longer suck my thumb. Incisive over decisive, with more questions than answers.

Rather than being confined to a particular genre/media, I see myself as a multidisciplinary artist who motors along on an infinite generator of ideas. Sometimes powered by the realisation they are beyond me, always propelled by the determination to make them happen anyway. This keeps my energy high, my curiosity piqued, my inspiration flowing and my skills sharp.

Ultimately, I do what I do because it’s my passion, my compulsion and probably the best self I can offer the world. Which sometimes feels like a luxury, but also a responsibility.

I doubt my work - words or pictures - will ever change the world, or ripple the tides. But if it changes your world or gently alters and lightens your perspective even for just 5mins of your day, then I will have more than achieved what I set out to do.