Loo With A View

I was commissioned by the lovely Lesley, to do a bespoke redecoration of her downstairs loo - a room in the house that has long been the stuff of family legend and humorous anecdote.

Lesley explained to me that when she is home alone, she sits in the loo with the door open, so that she can see the view down into her garden and out beyond - to the statuesque trees standing guard around its perimeter.

Lesley also lives in a coastal town that is famous worldwide, for its starling murmurations over the old pier.

I came up with a design that took those things into account. Namely that if Lesley looked out to trees and starlings, when home alone with the door open, she needed to see those things with the door closed.

The entire design is mostly made up of a series of painstaking
dots - a labour intensive process, but one that leaves a lovely effect as ‘wallpaper’. A portrait of Lesley’s late husband Allan and his dog, alongside some favourite quotes from John Muir and Leonard Cohen - make up the rest of the design. I added a mischievous little red kite cartoon as the final cherry on the cake.

All aspects of this design, appealed to Lesley and she loved the finished result.