
It’s all quite simple really…

Making light, shedding light and sharing light is my guiding inner mantra in terms of my work here at OTW.

It’s an inner mantra because it sounds more than a little bit naff when spoken aloud.

Still, uttered under my breath - it serves as a very useful guiding star.

It also means that I have self-given licence to cover all my bases creatively: I can lark about, I can shine my torch into dusty corners and I can light candles on dark days too.

Through play.

With a gentle flipping of perspective.

And with spirit, humour and colour.

And sometimes - sometimes - there is no more grandiose ambition or purpose behind my work or my inspiration, than simply to have fun - invariably at my own expense (see my Edgy Bags for a prime example of this!). Because this also strikes me as a very worthwhile counter-balance to the more serious sides of life and ‘adulting’.


You can read more reflective thoughts on my ‘purpose’ here, and more about me generally here