Weather Cake (poem)



3 suns, separated from sky

6 spoonfuls of fog

a glug of wet, a pinch of dry

a scattering of hail - sieved


10 flakes of snow, just for show

a dash of sleet - to taste




Whisk the sky, setting suns to one side - leave to melt

Gradually add half the hail - but not at full pelt

Fold in the fog, a splash of rain, mix to a smooth paste

Combine all the ingredients. Season. Taste.


For extra bite - add the rest of the hail and a dash more sleet

Set the oven to cool, ice a flat baking sheet

Drop spoonfuls of sky an inch apart onto the tray

(check the suns are slowly melting through the day) 


Bake for 20-30 minutes, until moist, misty 

If it looks a little hazy and soft in consistency -

put it back in for another 10 minutes, turned down low

Drizzle with melted sun and flake over the snow




Decorate with a dusting of frost and serve on a bed of passing cloud

Accompany with a bucket of chilled rain and strip of lightning on the side

The Printer's Son

A UK based creative that designs, develops, and styles websites for individuals and small businesses.

Basket Case


Why I swim in Wintry seas